The vertical layout (tower) in the production of dry products

The continuous development and improvement of the products is inherent and driving force in Provil’s culture.

With investments in human resources, infrastructure and state-of-the-art equipment in the production lines, constantly raises the standards of quality and safety for its products.

For the production process of dry products (powders), the company has adopted the innovative vertical layout (tower). The main advantages and benefits are:

  • Weighing the raw materials with precision, is resulting safe products.
  • Emptying the equipment is done efficiently without any additional strain on both raw materials and finished product, which could lead to its degradation. Without the intermediation of pumps, or temperature increase, resulting in the production of high quality products.
  • The layout of the vertical tower ensures the absence of blind spots in the production line. Thus, the possibility of contamination of the product with other raw materials is reduced and all possible microbiological burden is avoided.
  • The production line is designed into several floors, which helps to easily block and isolate the line in case of failure or error, preventing the transfer of any problem to the final product.
  • The maintenance and cleaning of the production line is done in the best possible way as there is access to each level of the line, ensuring immediate intervention whenever is needed, and also the removal of inaccessible components such as equipment connection points, for better cleaning. In this way the best possible protection of the product from microbiological burden and contamination with other substances, possible allergens, or foreign substances is achieved.
  • The layout ensures the traceability of the raw materials and the final product in batches.
  • Successful mixture of raw materials with flow problems in the production line is performed. Therefore, the safety level of the final product increases, as the best possible dispersion and the homogeneous mixing of its components is achieved.
  • The level of dust production from fine-grained materials is reduced, eliminating possible losses and also protecting the health of production personnel from the risks of inhaling microbial components.
  • The vertical layout, as it is operated mainly based on gravity, contributes to the reduction of energy costs that would otherwise be added to the price of the final product.
  • Due to the standby and pre-mixing silos at each level, an increase in line productivity and optimal material management is achieved to improve efficiency.

The use of this technology ensures the production of high safety and quality products and contributes to the objectives and high standards Provil has set over the time for its products.



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