Specialized services for the modern butchery

Εξειδικευμένες υπηρεσίες για το σύγχρονο κρεοπωλείο

Provil, in addition to the wide variety of products and customized solutions that offers in the meat retail sector, is always close to the professionals with a range of specialized technical support services. The changing needs and trends in the butcher shop are a source of inspiration for Provil, for the design and production of […]

Ideas and solutions for tasteful results

Meat is a key factor in human evolution and is one of the cornerstone foods in a balanced diet. It is a food that contains proteins of high biological value, which provide the body with plenty of essential amino acids. In recent years, the traditional butcher shop of the neighborhood has evolved into a specialized […]

The Value of ready meat Preparations and the Challenges of The Traditional Butcher

It is a fact that most of the meat consumed in Greece goes through the retail market of butchery shops, which over the years, is evolving. Nowadays, the modern butchery shop is a place to buy meat-based food, which employs experienced professionals with special skills in cuttings and suggestions for every style of cooking. They […]

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