Lemony hogget roll

Ρολό ζυγούρι λεμονάτο

Cook at 180οC for about 2 hours and 30 minutes. Pour a little of white wine in the pan and if possible cook upon vines.

Chimichurri pork “kontosouvli”

Κοντοσούβλι χοιρινό chimichurri

Cook over low heat on the grill. Make sure the ribs will be caramelized all around but will not get dry inside. Alternatively, we roast in the oven at 180 °C.

Chicken legs teriyaki

Κοπανάκια Teriyaki

Place in a pan upon a baking paper and sprinkle with a little of olive oil. Bake at 160ο C for 15 minutes and another 15 minutes at 180ο C until they get caramelized.

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