Greek gastronomy
Greek Gastronomy Evolution goes through tradition In Greece, each geographical area hides its own taste secrets. From the variety of raw materials, to recipes and cooking methods. Each geographical region of Greece is a different “small homeland”, with its traditions and customs. After a period of devaluation today, modern Greek chefs bring back to the […]
Greek Gastronomy: Evolution through tradition
In Greece, each geographical region hides its own delicious secrets. From the variety of ingredients, to recipes and cooking methods. Every area of Greece is a different “small homeland”, with its own traditions and customs. After a period of devaluation today, modern Greek chefs bring back to the fore the culinary traditions of each place, […]
Quality in the Food Industry
People’s interest in Quality has always been connected with their way of life, especially today, when the provision of high quality standards for products and services to the consumer, combined with the satisfaction of constant needs, are the cornerstone of a company for its survival and expansion, but also for its future development in the […]
Quality at the heart of Provil
For many years Provil is operating a specialized and fully staffed Quality Control Laboratory, integrated in the Directorate of Quality Control & Assurance. With its creation and activation, new functions were developed such as the definition of Quality variables, the statistical evaluation of the results, the detailed and instrumental monitoring of the measurements, the documentation […]
The vertical layout (tower) in the production of dry products
The continuous development and improvement of the products is inherent and driving force in Provil’s culture. With investments in human resources, infrastructure and state-of-the-art equipment in the production lines, constantly raises the standards of quality and safety for its products. For the production process of dry products (powders), the company has adopted the innovative vertical […]
Mediterranean diet: 5 Health Benefits
Mediterranean diet model and its effect on health has occupied with research scientific community for many decades. The first indications of the beneficial role of the Mediterranean diet came from the Seven Countries Study in the early 1960s, when it was found that the inhabitants of the Mediterranean countries (mainly Crete and southern Italy) had […]
Restaurant: The Decalogue of a Healthy Menu
Food consumption is undoubtedly one of the basic biological needs of man and is inextricably linked from the beginning of humanity with the instinct of survival. Today, the word food implies much more than the body’s requirement for nutrition: enjoyment, care, joy, love, companionship since it holds a leading role in our social life, is […]
Taste and Nutrition (We embrace the taste of the world)
Food is Life. Food has the power to transport and comfort us and, most importantly, to excite us! The food industry and the professional gastronomy has changed dramatically over the years and continues to rapidly evolve. Consumers today are looking for healthier food options and want to feel good about the products they eat. For […]
Circular economy
At Provil, we recognize and embrace our obligation of being responsible corporate citizens. We strive to reduce negative impacts on our environment while increasing positive impacts on the lives of our employees, customers, suppliers and the communities in which we operate. We promote overall transparency regarding the resources used in our production operations and supply […]
Greece through Gastronomy
Greek cuisine is synonymous with hospitality Everything connected with the Greek cuisine always hides a dose of hospitality. The treat at the end of a meal, the spontaneous visit to a friendly house, which is always accompanied by a “treat”, such as a dessert or ouzo with appetizers, Greek cuisine is characterized by a ritual […]